Ok. So after the second Fox fiasco I've come across, I just had to rant (apparently misinformation is their trade, luckily I live in South Africa so I'm not tortured with their pseudo-journalistic drivel very often).
Now, while the Miss America debacle was a real testament to the type of "journalist" they hire over there at Fau... I mean Fox News, the troll-twaddle came from only one person (as far as I can tell), however this isn't the first time and apparently they make a habit of such behavior, off and on camera.
What really got the proverbial bug stuck well up my nose, was a story that ran a while back. And unfortunately the more these inbred hicks spewed forth the more I wanted to summon the full might of all three furies, and then burn the lot of them at the stake.
However I digress, if you haven't figured it out by now, the incident of which I speak is the stab they had at the University of Missouri's pagans and Wiccans. I'm not the first or last person to rant about this particular gem. There were many people, pagan and non-pagan alike, that found this seriously douchey.
The clips that I watched, all 3-4 minutes of them, are pretty much offensive from start to finish and if any other Journalist, in any other country had gone off like this lot there would have been repercussions. So, Fox news, be glad you live in American, where accuracy and fairness aren't a big concern when reporting the news. And your yearly legal budget is probably so phenomenal it could feed a large 3rd world country for several years.
So, back on point. There are two video clips in which the presenters talk about the University of Missouri's religious guide, that says; that no exams will fall on Wiccan and Pagan holidays. Tucker Carlson (talking to Tammy Bruce, who clearly isn't an authority on much, let alone pagan practices) then says that 20% of the holidays are Wiccan. Ok, great so the University has 40 holidays? I'm assuming due to the math. No problems there. Then Tammy Bruce clearly starts making assumptions, because she admits to not even knowing any Wiccans and by her fumbling over words, it's clear she did no research. She then makes an expected and not so subtle jibe about Wiccans being witches. Then she proceeds to say they all Wiccan are anti "the establishment". Sweetheart, cupcake, fudge muffin, doll. If Fox were around in the time of Jesus or Nero, I'm sure they'd have said the same thing about Christians and the Abrahamic religions.
Carlson then goes on to assume then the average Wiccan cannot name 8 Wiccan holidays. Well if you'd actually done research, you'd know that the average Pagan (Wiccan or not) can name all 8 holidays. Bruce then again goes to show her ignorance and lack of research and names the Festival of Pan as one of the 8 holidays. Now to which Festival of Pan are you referring?
Féile Pan Cheilteach or
Pan Celtic Festival is held in Ireland. It was first held in 1971 in Killarney. It has been held annually in the week following Easter annually since then.
Its aim is to promote the modern Celtic languages and cultures and artists from all six Celtic nations, Brittany, Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man are featured."
Pan Pagan Festival (PPF) is one of the United States' first and longest running nature spirituality festivals, organised by the
Midwest Pagan Council
that spans from Wednesday through Sunday of the first full week of
August every year. The first Pan Pagan festival was held in 1976 as a
way of bringing different groups together to share knowledge and
Neither of which are official Wiccan holidays. One isn't a Wiccan holiday at all, in fact
"...There's like ten of them...". Really Tammy, Tams? First the math says 8 then your colleague hints to 8 then you suck a random number like 10 out of your arse? Carlson, then goes on to insult the whole country, not just the pagans by bottom lining it to the fact that the whole country are pretty much rich lazy bastards who don't give a damn what happens in their own country. Don't feel isolated guys, this man likes to piss on everybody. So finally Tammy concludes that it's all just a political ploy and that it's "anti tradition" and that all us filthy little tree hugging freaks should be horribly offended by this injustice. And that the American Pagans are lucky because nowhere else in the world do Pagan have the right to practise their religion.
Another video, what looks like Carlson, again, carries on with his bigoted, misinformation by stating that "obviously the bad side of wiccan(ism) is, it's a form of witchcraft." Let me just stop you there Carlson. The only people that, that statement is "obvious" to, is uneducated cretins such as yourself . Maybe I should clear something up for all y'all at Fox. Pagan does not equal Wiccan. Wiccan does not equal witch. Wiki defines paganism as:
"Paganism is a broad group of indigenous and historical polytheistic religious traditions—primarily those of cultures known to the classical world.
In a wider sense, it has also been understood to include any non-Abrahamic folk/ethnic religion. The term
pagan was historically used as one of several pejorative Christian counterparts to "gentile" (
גוי /
נכרי) as used in the Hebrew Bible—comparable to "infidel" or "heretic". Modern ethnologists often avoid this broad usage in favour of more specific and less potentially offensive terms such as
pantheism, or
animism when referring to traditional or historical faiths."
And a dictionary definition says: "An adherent of a polytheistic religion
in antiquity, especially when viewed in contrast to an adherent of a
monotheistic religion."
So to recap. Based on current information; Pagans make up almost half the world's population. Now, if you take into account that the word heretic and the word pagan seem to be thrown together in certain dictionaries. That would mean that everyone is "pagan" because one man's heretic is another man's believer.
See my point here? Depending on what the "norm" says or how things are interpreted, everyone is right and wrong.
So Carlson, later on, again "flashes" the fact that he sucks monkey-balls when it comes to research. Now all of a sudden the Wiccan community gets a "ton of holidays". Apparently Wicca has 20 holidays. SO we've gone from 8 to 10 to 20 (well that escalated quickly).
Then one presenter woes about Christians can't say "Merry Christmas" anymore. Ok here I should just point out, it's not so much about you "pushing your Christian faith" on anyone as it it about respecting that not everyone celebrates Christmas over that time of year.
it easier to say 'Happy Holidays' than it is to say, "Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Blessed Yule, Merry Eid Al-Adha". Because remember, unless you know the person, you don't know what faith they're part of and most people aren't aware of all the holidays anyway. I personally prefer "Happy/Merry f**king everything, now leave me alone 'til next year." But that's just me.
"...Any religion who's most sacred day is Halloween, I just cant take seriously." Halloween is only what it is today because it was "nicified" by the majority. In its "pure form" it's quite solemn and not geared towards children. So again, you've taken something sacred to someone else, contorted it to suite your needs and then you sneer at it later?
Oh and I just had to mention, apparently all Wiccans are compulsive "Dungeons and Dragons" players or twice divorced midwives who live in rural areas.
And finally, all else aside, the quote that got my goat; "I will say this, because we're Journalists..."
I can handle the jibe at Paganism, Wicca and witchcraft. I can look past the fact they they clearly have no idea what research, fact checking or even the meaning of "fair and balanced" is. But Having studied Journalism myself, I find it an affront to anyone who ever studied Journalism (I don't go around calling myself a Journalist because I don't work in the field). Calling yourselves Journalists is like Ted Bundy calling himself a surgeon, Jeffrey Dahmer calling himself a chef, Ed Gein calling himself a sculptor. You people are glorified talk show hosts, without the interactive audience.
Your 'news', for lack of a more accurate term, is factually inaccurate, completely bias, and mostly bigoted. Fair and balanced? An average propaganda speech from Nazi Germany is more fair and
If I went around and said; "All white Americans are; inbred, Confederate, hillbilly, zealots. With no more than a tenth grade education, who are so stupid they can't do anything more with their lives than, drink beer, sleep with their cousins and run around with guns." I'm sure you'd have something to say about that. Because it's neither true or fair to the intelligent American populous and it definitely doesn't show a balanced view of the Americans. Since you are a diverse and vibrant culture.
Videos of the Fox News teams giving "fair and balanced" opinions.
Some video rants from others.
Other sourses