Friday, 22 August 2014

What An Idiot!

WOW. Ok, so I just watched a youtube clip on the legalisation of marijuana in South Africa and I'm struggling to find the right words to express how this makes me feel. Things like, "what the serious f**k are you on" and "go get a real education" keep spinning round in my brain. You should probably read the article and watch the clip (or at least watch the clip) before reading the following rant.

First off, let me start by saying, I have tried dagga a few times and even went overboard and got myself a genuine case of "greenies". But I'm not for, nor am I against the use of marijuana for whatever reason. I'm still in possession of my faculties and and my IQ and am a functioning member of society (dagga didn't make me odd, I've always been this way). Sufficed to say I lost the taste for it very quickly and have not touched the stuff since and probably never will again. However I will not frown upon or glare at you if you decide to light up your joint in my company, provided you don't blow your smoke in my face.

There is a lot of pros and cons surrounding the use of any substance (in my opinion), that people from both sides of the fence tend to forget in their vigour and zeal. And every plant-based "drug" has a history of use. Take, for example, the coca leaf (the base ingredient in cocaine). The Andean tribes used it while climbing mountains like Machu Pichu. They would consume the leaves so that they could reach the top with little food, water or sleep because, when you chew the leaves they act as a stimulant, appetite and thirst suppressant, and it also suppresses pain and fatigue. The leaves can also be used to treat a multitude of other ailments. Anything from headaches to rheumatism, even nosebleeds and asthma. But tell anyone that coca leaves form the basis for cocaine and everyone looses their minds.

Marijuana is the same. It's a plant that has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years for medicinal purposes. However, along comes modern man and the BS they bring with them and all of a sudden things like medical marijuana (which can me ingested as a tea or tincture, it doesn't have to be smoked at all), get the boot and "phat pharma" monopolises the "what medicine you must take" market and dilutes and dissolves the herbal/homeopathic medication, crams it into a pill and sells it back to you for 10 times the price. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-allopathy, I pop my adcodols when I feel that headache coming on. But the more you look at "modern-medicine" the more you will come to understand that most of it comes from plant/natural sources. They simply extract only the chemical they want or they synthesize said chemical. What people fail to understand is this. Mother-nature knows best, and all those side effects you feel from the chemically-charged meds you're on, is because all the other stuff in the plant, the stuff that "phat pharma" took out, because it was "unnecessary", was actually very necessary to offset those nasty "side-effects" which no one tells you about and no one ever bothers to read about.

But I digress. Listen to this woman argue. She obviously didn't take part in her school's debate team. Otherwise she would know that screaming and repeating yourself doesn't make for a good intellectual debate. Her facts are spotty at best, and if she were to repeat the word "dagga" one more time I would have been forced to find a bankie and cram it down her throat. She has all the fire and passion of a religious zealot and the same amount of logic. Ok fine, lady, we get it dagga is bad, as far as you're concerned. But I would have thought, because you work at a "youth center" you would have learned the difference between "I'm a troubled teen lashing out because my mommy didn't give me enough beat..(I mean hugs), as a child" and "Pickachu made me do it".

The other guy, he has a point. He even says Marijuana isn't a "magic silver bullet". And I agree, It might not work for everyone. But it sure is working wonders for other people (do a google search for Charlotte Figi).
And it's not only helping cancer patients.

The point I'm making here is, we can't ban a useful plant and, effectively punish people suffering from diseases just because some people cannot raise their delinquents properly, and they do dumb stuff and then blame it on the drugs or Satan or Pikachu or whoever, because mommy and daddy stuck them in front of the TV and let Hanna Montana and MTV raise their kids.

I'm Just Sayin'