Sunday, 20 November 2016

Spaghetti Spoon Hole

So I'm making dinner the other night, (spaghetti bolognese) and I remembered the "spaghetti spoon hack", you know this one -->

And it occurred to how much this actually "triggers" me. I mean really? Who comes up with the concept of "too much" spaghetti? Like somehow leftovers are offensive.
Well f@ck you spaghetti Nazis, with your "perfect amount of spaghetti and no leftovers. Gorram fascists. Who doesn't love leftover spaghetti for lunch or brunch, or hell, even breakfast? What sort of human being doesn't do leftovers? I don't care who you are, how health, wealthy or wise you think you are, if you are against leftovers then shame on you. We can no longer be friends because I don't need that sort of negativity in my life.

I'm Just Sayin'

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Mad Mad World: What the Trump Happened?

Now I realise a lot of people are having all the feels about the American Presidential election and there's a lot of butt-hurt due to the fact the Donald Trump is now the President-elect. There have be tantrums and protests and many tweets and videos about how people will not stand for the clear vote for misogynistic, racist, Islamophobic, hate, etc, etc. A great many people people were under the assumption that Hillary had this one in the bag, right?

Apparently not. And I'll give a few reasons why and how the Democrats screwed themselves out of the election. Now may people have said similar, if not the same thing, and the reason for this is that they're true. These are blatant, observable truths that many people (including the majority of Americans) picked up on.

First and, probably most important. The Democrats put the wrong horse in the race. You chose the lame nag that you keep in the back stable and keep in a paddock all by its lonesome because it kicks and bites and cannot be socialised. Despite what the mainstream media was telling you, if you just took your blinkers off for 2 seconds and did some observation and research for yourself you'd have noticed her obvious failings. The least of her concerns is her failing health (and that's saying something). As POTUS you can't really afford to be as visibly ill as Hilary Clinton. Ignoring that, She has spent 30 years in politics and many years prior to that she was a lawyer, you can't tell me that she 'accidentally' mishandled classified documents. And if she did then she's a notable idiot. Neither of which are promising prospects. Failing to acknowledge that, there are the constant lies, and not even good convincing lies. She tells the kind of lies to which there is visible, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. And if you ignore that, then her open war-mongering should have been the final nail in her coffin. You could have put any other woman (honest and sans criminal record of course) in Clinton's place and you would have had a fighting chance. But you chose her and expected people to vote for her because "vagina".

This brings me to the next problem. You spent the better part of the last few months (years) calling anyone who didn't like Hilary or who didn't agree with you, a sexist, racist asshole. Now this might be hard to comprehend but that doesn't win you any friends or browny points when it comes to swaying people to your perspective. And as Hilary was a firm supporter of social justice warriors and feminists, who have a propensity to sling insults instead of trying to argue a point, most normal sane people are going to give people like that the finger and try to make sure they never get any sort of institutional power. Still, somehow you're shocked by the by the Trump win? Most people with half a mind for actual tolerance (and this includes LGBTQ+, people of colour, impoverished and other disenfranchised groups) are going to steer clear of people who would call them or their loved ones prejudice in any way.

Now my last point, though mentioned previously, can't really be tied into anything particular, and because it was (for me) such huge tipping point it deserves it own spotlight. Hilary Clinton wants war. She wants it so much, that she's willing to threaten Russia with war for something they supposedly did, for which she has no evidence. She's willing to go to war with a country on "feels", and if she can't have direct conflict with someone, she's willing to poke the bear until she get's it; in spite of warnings from people who are probably more experienced in the area of war. Not even Trump is that psychotic. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but unless the American populous are completely crazy, there's no way in hell people will vote for someone who, so openly and so desperately, wants conflict.
No one should joke about killing or having someone killed, ever.
Please don't misunderstand, I think Trump is an idiot, and not the best option for president of the men's club, let alone the USA. However the harsh reality is, it's either going to be a Republican or Democrat presidency. So the American people made sure it was the lesser of two evils. And then everyone else with a brain, voted third party. because let's be honest, voting Hilary because she's a woman is just a stupid thing to do. Her losing had nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with her bad politics.

I'm Just Sayin'