If you are someone who feels uncomfortable talking, reading or hearing about the female menstrual cycle, then I suggest you give this post a skip as there will be talk of girly parts and girly things and PERIODS!
I've been delving into the world of modern college feminism/social justice for quite some time now and I've discovered something disturbing (even by my standards). No it's not the lies they tell about the MRA, the wage gap or their perceived oppression. It's not their need to whinge and infantalise themselves and minority groups. It's not even about their outlandish views about what constitutes gender and the fact that they still cannot tell (after all these years) that "non-binary transgender" is a oxymoron that they fail to understand that words are descriptive and not prescriptive.
No, it's their views on the menstrual cycle. From how they perceive the menstrual cycle to what they expect from others while they're on their cycle. Now I'll say one thing up front. I do agree with the baseline principle that they hold, which is that no woman should be ashamed of her cycle. It's a gift (even though, as women we curse every second of it), and if it's regular and steady then you should be even more thankful, because you are healthy and there is no unplanned pregnancy on the way.
What I disagree with though, is this idea that everyone else should embrace it with you, especially your partner and most especially if your partner is a man. Just because you are on your period, does not mean you are some sort of super-goddess who deserves to be worshiped as a mother goddess. Your menstrual cycle does not make you one with the goddess. In fact you're more likely to be this...
than like this...
For thousands of years before, going back to caveman day, the female cycle was just that. A female cycle, by females, for females and it has always been a sort of "girls" club. Much like the beer, and sports club modern men share with each other.
Now don't get me wrong, I realise we're not cavemen and in our oh-so progressive society we are not really defined by the old cavemen rules (those were good and made sense and everyone had their own parts to play to ensure a functioning society). No, now we have a mish-mash of gynocentricty where some of the new rules are great and others make no sense at all.
The point here being, most men, like their cavemen counter-parts, are not particularly interested in your period problems. They will feel bad for you when you're in pain, put up with your mood swings (and they are chemical imbalances, contrary to the Tumblr science that they try to sell you lately) and will try and make life as comfortable for you as they (in their individual capacity) can.
So why does feminism try to teach young men and women that men must embrace your menstrual cycle with the same enthusiasm as a kid at an ice-cream party? By all means, don't be ashamed of it, its a natural and necessary part of being a woman. And I do believe that mothers should be more open around their sons about it. But when I see things like "me and my boyfriend are so close that he puts my tampon in for me" or I hear about a guy who kept his ex girlfriend's soiled sanitary pad (possibly to prove how truly progressive he is), Then I have to stop and wonder if we've gone from natural evolutionary progression to this...
A mere monster who has mutated out of control. Because, you see, evolutionary mutation with no purpose leads to grotesque mutation.
Now maybe you think I'm blind to the problems some women face with their male significant other. Maybe I don't full understand the gravity of the problem. I do after all have a super-understanding husband who isn't embarrassed to go buy tampons and who doesn't freak out at the idea of menstrual blood and maybe you're right. Maybe my female privilege has me "blinded to the suffering" of all the poor womens who's husbands and partners beat them whenever they're menstruating and lock them outside and launch volley after volley of insults... wait, how often does that happen?
Most of the time it's just a case of a man not wanting to have sex while you're on your period, or being a bit embarrassed to go buy tampons or some guy who is uncomfortable talking about it, because it was taboo while they were growing up. Now, to all the women who are currently experiencing abuse as described earlier (being beaten, being insulted, being locked up) please get out of the relationship immediately there are plenty of places who cater for any kinds of abuse and don't try and convince yourself he loves you, because he doesn't.
As for the rest of it, just be patient with your partner. If you slowly introduce him to the world of menses he may actually come around and if he never does, it's not because of the oppressive white male patriarchy, it's simply because it's not a guy thing. We have sisters and girlfriends and moms and aunts to talk to about this stuff. Stop trying to force it onto you male partners.
Also on a side note. Please stop say that your period is literally where babies come from. This it a falsehood, untrue, hogwash, bunkum, hooey. Biology 101; by the time you start bleeding, there is no baby in the near (21-23 days) future. I'm sure what you mean is your menstrual cycle but the period part is just the bleedy part. So for the education of you girls everywhere (especially if you are a youtuber or write publications that girls will see) be factually accurate.
I'm Just Sayin'
No, it's their views on the menstrual cycle. From how they perceive the menstrual cycle to what they expect from others while they're on their cycle. Now I'll say one thing up front. I do agree with the baseline principle that they hold, which is that no woman should be ashamed of her cycle. It's a gift (even though, as women we curse every second of it), and if it's regular and steady then you should be even more thankful, because you are healthy and there is no unplanned pregnancy on the way.
What I disagree with though, is this idea that everyone else should embrace it with you, especially your partner and most especially if your partner is a man. Just because you are on your period, does not mean you are some sort of super-goddess who deserves to be worshiped as a mother goddess. Your menstrual cycle does not make you one with the goddess. In fact you're more likely to be this...
So why does feminism try to teach young men and women that men must embrace your menstrual cycle with the same enthusiasm as a kid at an ice-cream party? By all means, don't be ashamed of it, its a natural and necessary part of being a woman. And I do believe that mothers should be more open around their sons about it. But when I see things like "me and my boyfriend are so close that he puts my tampon in for me" or I hear about a guy who kept his ex girlfriend's soiled sanitary pad (possibly to prove how truly progressive he is), Then I have to stop and wonder if we've gone from natural evolutionary progression to this...
Now maybe you think I'm blind to the problems some women face with their male significant other. Maybe I don't full understand the gravity of the problem. I do after all have a super-understanding husband who isn't embarrassed to go buy tampons and who doesn't freak out at the idea of menstrual blood and maybe you're right. Maybe my female privilege has me "blinded to the suffering" of all the poor womens who's husbands and partners beat them whenever they're menstruating and lock them outside and launch volley after volley of insults... wait, how often does that happen?
Also on a side note. Please stop say that your period is literally where babies come from. This it a falsehood, untrue, hogwash, bunkum, hooey. Biology 101; by the time you start bleeding, there is no baby in the near (21-23 days) future. I'm sure what you mean is your menstrual cycle but the period part is just the bleedy part. So for the education of you girls everywhere (especially if you are a youtuber or write publications that girls will see) be factually accurate.