Thursday, 1 December 2016

Mad Mad World: Feminist Menses


If you are someone who feels uncomfortable talking, reading or hearing about the female menstrual cycle, then I suggest you give this post a skip as there will be talk of girly parts and girly things and PERIODS!

I've been delving into the world of modern college feminism/social justice for quite some time now and I've discovered something disturbing (even by my standards). No it's not the lies they tell about the MRA, the wage gap or their perceived oppression. It's not their need to whinge and infantalise themselves and minority groups. It's not even about their outlandish views about what constitutes gender and the fact that they still cannot tell (after all these years) that "non-binary transgender" is a oxymoron that they fail to understand that words are descriptive and not prescriptive. 

No, it's their views on the menstrual cycle. From how they perceive the menstrual cycle to what they expect from others while they're on their cycle. Now I'll say one thing up front. I do agree with the baseline principle that they hold, which is that no woman should be ashamed of her cycle. It's a gift (even though, as women we curse every second of it), and if it's regular and steady then you should be even more thankful, because you are healthy and there is no unplanned pregnancy on the way. 

What I disagree with though, is this idea that everyone else should embrace it with you, especially your partner and most especially if your partner is a man. Just because you are on your period, does not mean you are some sort of super-goddess who deserves to be worshiped as a mother goddess. Your menstrual cycle does not make you one with the goddess. In fact you're more likely to be this...
than like this...
   For thousands of years before, going back to caveman day, the female cycle was just that. A female cycle, by females, for females and it has always been a sort of "girls" club. Much like the beer, and sports club modern men share with each other.
Now don't get me wrong, I realise we're not cavemen and in our oh-so progressive society we are not really defined by the old cavemen rules (those were good and made sense and everyone had their own parts to play to ensure a functioning society). No, now we have a mish-mash of gynocentricty where some of the new rules are great and others make no sense at all. 
The point here being, most men, like their cavemen counter-parts, are not particularly interested in your period problems. They will feel bad for you when you're in pain, put up with your mood swings (and they are chemical imbalances, contrary to the Tumblr science that they try to sell you lately) and will try and make life as comfortable for you as they (in their individual capacity) can.

So why does feminism try to teach young men and women that men must embrace your menstrual cycle with the same enthusiasm as a kid at an ice-cream party? By all means, don't be ashamed of it, its a natural and necessary part of being a woman. And I do believe that mothers should be more open around their sons about it. But when I see things like "me and my boyfriend are so close that he puts my tampon in for me" or I hear about a guy who kept his ex girlfriend's soiled sanitary pad (possibly to prove how truly progressive he is), Then I have to stop and wonder if we've gone from natural evolutionary progression to this... 

A mere monster who has mutated out of control. Because, you see, evolutionary mutation with no purpose leads to grotesque mutation.

Now maybe you think I'm blind to the problems some women face with their male significant other. Maybe I don't full understand the gravity of the problem. I do after all have a super-understanding husband who isn't embarrassed to go buy tampons and who doesn't freak out at the idea of menstrual blood and maybe you're right. Maybe my female privilege has me "blinded to the suffering" of all the poor womens who's husbands and partners beat them whenever they're menstruating and lock them outside and launch volley after volley of insults... wait, how often does that happen?
Most of the time it's just a case of a man not wanting to have sex while you're on your period, or being a bit embarrassed to go buy tampons or some guy who is uncomfortable talking about it, because it was taboo while they were growing up. Now, to all the women who are currently experiencing abuse as described earlier (being beaten, being insulted, being locked up) please get out of the relationship immediately there are plenty of places who cater for any kinds of abuse and don't try and convince yourself he loves you, because he doesn't. 

As for the rest of it, just be patient with your partner. If you slowly introduce him to the world of menses he may actually come around and if he never does, it's not because of the oppressive white male patriarchy, it's simply because it's not a guy thing. We have sisters and girlfriends and moms and aunts to talk to about this stuff. Stop trying to force it onto you male partners. 

Also on a side note. Please stop say that your period is literally where babies come from. This it a falsehood, untrue, hogwash, bunkum, hooey. Biology 101; by the time you start bleeding, there is no baby in the near (21-23 days) future. I'm sure what you mean is your menstrual cycle but the period part is just the bleedy part. So for the education of you girls everywhere (especially if you are a youtuber or write publications that girls will see) be factually accurate. 

I'm Just Sayin'

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Spaghetti Spoon Hole

So I'm making dinner the other night, (spaghetti bolognese) and I remembered the "spaghetti spoon hack", you know this one -->

And it occurred to how much this actually "triggers" me. I mean really? Who comes up with the concept of "too much" spaghetti? Like somehow leftovers are offensive.
Well f@ck you spaghetti Nazis, with your "perfect amount of spaghetti and no leftovers. Gorram fascists. Who doesn't love leftover spaghetti for lunch or brunch, or hell, even breakfast? What sort of human being doesn't do leftovers? I don't care who you are, how health, wealthy or wise you think you are, if you are against leftovers then shame on you. We can no longer be friends because I don't need that sort of negativity in my life.

I'm Just Sayin'

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Mad Mad World: What the Trump Happened?

Now I realise a lot of people are having all the feels about the American Presidential election and there's a lot of butt-hurt due to the fact the Donald Trump is now the President-elect. There have be tantrums and protests and many tweets and videos about how people will not stand for the clear vote for misogynistic, racist, Islamophobic, hate, etc, etc. A great many people people were under the assumption that Hillary had this one in the bag, right?

Apparently not. And I'll give a few reasons why and how the Democrats screwed themselves out of the election. Now may people have said similar, if not the same thing, and the reason for this is that they're true. These are blatant, observable truths that many people (including the majority of Americans) picked up on.

First and, probably most important. The Democrats put the wrong horse in the race. You chose the lame nag that you keep in the back stable and keep in a paddock all by its lonesome because it kicks and bites and cannot be socialised. Despite what the mainstream media was telling you, if you just took your blinkers off for 2 seconds and did some observation and research for yourself you'd have noticed her obvious failings. The least of her concerns is her failing health (and that's saying something). As POTUS you can't really afford to be as visibly ill as Hilary Clinton. Ignoring that, She has spent 30 years in politics and many years prior to that she was a lawyer, you can't tell me that she 'accidentally' mishandled classified documents. And if she did then she's a notable idiot. Neither of which are promising prospects. Failing to acknowledge that, there are the constant lies, and not even good convincing lies. She tells the kind of lies to which there is visible, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. And if you ignore that, then her open war-mongering should have been the final nail in her coffin. You could have put any other woman (honest and sans criminal record of course) in Clinton's place and you would have had a fighting chance. But you chose her and expected people to vote for her because "vagina".

This brings me to the next problem. You spent the better part of the last few months (years) calling anyone who didn't like Hilary or who didn't agree with you, a sexist, racist asshole. Now this might be hard to comprehend but that doesn't win you any friends or browny points when it comes to swaying people to your perspective. And as Hilary was a firm supporter of social justice warriors and feminists, who have a propensity to sling insults instead of trying to argue a point, most normal sane people are going to give people like that the finger and try to make sure they never get any sort of institutional power. Still, somehow you're shocked by the by the Trump win? Most people with half a mind for actual tolerance (and this includes LGBTQ+, people of colour, impoverished and other disenfranchised groups) are going to steer clear of people who would call them or their loved ones prejudice in any way.

Now my last point, though mentioned previously, can't really be tied into anything particular, and because it was (for me) such huge tipping point it deserves it own spotlight. Hilary Clinton wants war. She wants it so much, that she's willing to threaten Russia with war for something they supposedly did, for which she has no evidence. She's willing to go to war with a country on "feels", and if she can't have direct conflict with someone, she's willing to poke the bear until she get's it; in spite of warnings from people who are probably more experienced in the area of war. Not even Trump is that psychotic. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but unless the American populous are completely crazy, there's no way in hell people will vote for someone who, so openly and so desperately, wants conflict.
No one should joke about killing or having someone killed, ever.
Please don't misunderstand, I think Trump is an idiot, and not the best option for president of the men's club, let alone the USA. However the harsh reality is, it's either going to be a Republican or Democrat presidency. So the American people made sure it was the lesser of two evils. And then everyone else with a brain, voted third party. because let's be honest, voting Hilary because she's a woman is just a stupid thing to do. Her losing had nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with her bad politics.

I'm Just Sayin'

Thursday, 18 August 2016


In the wake of the Local Government Elections (LGE 2016), I'm reminded once again about how amazing our democracy is. It may be young and may have it's own problems, but here in South Africa we have possibly one of the truest forms of democracy in the world.

Now it may not be perfect and recently I've heard many say democracy is an ineffective system of government. However, only having known a democracy I'm not sure I'd be able to live in a country whose system of government leaves little to control in the hands of the people who live, work and pay taxes there.

Following the Brexit story (and that's a whole other monster). I recognised a huge problem stemming from a non-democracy, attempting to vote. The British people (from what I saw) don't really vote and when they do, it bares no real consequence. Whether or not you believe that leaving or staying in the EU was the correct move, the fact that so few people voted because they, "didn't believe it would make a difference" or they "did think it would ever happen", just goes to show how little the people in the UK understand about the impact of voting. And the US also has a certain disregard for democracy and the voting system. In fact the founding fathers thought it to be a useless form of governance and voting shouldn't be left to the public, but rather it should be left to an elite few. These selected few would then decide for the rest of the country, The implication here is that you and I, the average "plebs" cannot and should not have a say in what happens in the country we are basically sustaining.

Now the rest of the world may not see the problem in that, but when people relinquish autonomy and allow others to decide for them, as far as I'm concerned, they are infantilising themselves and saying they do not want nor can they make decisions for themselves and instead, they make slaves of themselves.

Having said that the UK seems to never have had any real power or autonomy and therefore when given a referendum they had no idea how to handle it. (Again an outsider's perspective and not an unshakable truth)

There have been many countries, particularly in Africa whose democracy quickly turned into a dictatorship. However I believe in South Africans and I believe that as long as we have our democracy (one with a multiplicity of representitives) and we refuse to be bought or blinded, our voices and and will be heard and we will not allow some faceless nameless organisation decide what is best for us. We are already saying no to Jacob Zuma's corrupt ANC. Our leaders are there to represent us not control us. and when they no longer do that then they need to go.

Go and watch or re-watch V for Vendetta. Don't let your voices be silenced and don't let differing opinions be stifled.

I'm Just Sayin'

Monday, 18 July 2016

Well Played, Sir

The NSPCA launched a very controversial  Ad campaign recently , in which they were advertising "pitbull fights". Now, of course the fight itself was fake and the advertising agency they used to pull off this little charade was in on the whole thing. And people took to social media in hordes and were completely outraged at the whole thing, which is to be expected from caring, compassionate people who get outraged at the idea of dogs chewing each other up for human entertainment. However, in true South African style,  some people got a little too upset and went to the offices of the advertising agency with cricket bats, threatening bodily harm on the employees. Naturally the NSPCA then issued a statement letting everyone know that it was and Ad campaign to make people aware of the reality of dog fighting in South Africa.

Now I understand that it is upsetting for many people. I, myself nearly did a back flip in my armchair. However when I looked into it a bit more and checked out the website I discovered something hinky,  reported it to the proper authorities and let them handle the legalities. Other people got way out of hand and then upon discovering that it was a hoax, lost their minds even more. The organisation was accused of many things,  least of all being fraudulent and giving South Africa a bad name. 

I must admit, I am not the biggest fan of the NSPCA. I believe a lot of their policies are counterproductive. I feel their rate of euthanasia is excessive ad that the veterinary surgeons and other staff working for them are grossly incompetent. Even their campaigns can sometimes be excessively baiting. However, this advertisement was absolutely genius. 

It got people to look up from their lives and get mad. It got people to react to something horrible. It forced people away from their desks and computers and made them do something about the problem, albeit violence and not the best solution. At the end of the day, it makes people stop and think about the problem. 

If  you know someone who is involved in the practice of dog fighting, even if it is a friend or family member, please report it to your local authorities. Just because we, as humans, like to inflict violence on each other, doesn't mean animals have the same affinity.

I'm Just Sayin

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Dear SJWs

Dear SJWs

I hear a lot of you complain about people using the term "normal". The common problem seems to be that none of you understand the concept. So in the interest of education, here are several dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of the term "normal".

Merriam-Webster: usual or ordinary : not strange conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal;regular; natural.
Oxofd Dictionary: Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected:
it’s quite normal for puppies to bolt their foodnormal working hours
Not really normal to squeeze your guts into the smallest
possible space... 
Wikipedia: Normality (also known as normalcy) is the state of being "normal", as opposed to being deviant, eccentric or unusual. Behavior can be normal for an individual (intrapersonal normality) when it is consistent with the most common behaviour for that person. Normal is also used to describe individual behaviour that conforms to the most common behaviour in society (known as conformity). Definitions of normality vary by person, time, place, and situation – it changes along with changing societal standards and norms. Normal behavior is often only recognized in contrast to abnormality.
This person would definitely not be considered "normal"

"smooshing" your feet in to the smallest shoes
probably not something done by any majority groups

Now I would have added the encyclopedia Britannica version, except they have so many versions from mathematics to psychology to a town in Illinois. So in the interest of being concise I decided against it. Since the only normal we're looking at here is essentially in the concept of statistical modelling. 

Normal being the average of the populous of an area. Now, while normality differs from place to place; I.E: Neck rings and neck stretching is quite normal in some African and Asian sub-cultures, it is (comparatively) abnormal or unusual in the rest of the world.
Not something you see very often in Walmart.
But among her people she's probably the girl-next-door.
 Having tattoos in an Amish community would be abnormal since the majority of the community would not have tattoos. Hell wearing your matric dance/prom dress to a biker bar will usually make you look a little out of place. Basic maths; If you have 10 apples and 7 are red and 3 are green, the NORM would be red apples, since they are most abundant. XX and XY chromosomes are in abundance in most species on the planet. Most other variations are genetic ABNORMALITIES. 
We all have our little kinx.
But no one can validate your existence except you.
Western "weirdness"

There are many abnormal subcultures among humans. Some harmless, some physically dangerous. some that just make people stop and stare. A subculture who completely understands "standing out" would be the goths. This is a subculture who embraces the stand-alone concept and have no need for anyone else to validate their existence, the fact that it's the only subculture to have survived the 70s, 80s, 90s and to this day, says enough.

More Western "weirdness"
Now that's not to say these abnormalities are abhorrent and we wished they didn't exist. Most people don't believe that LGBT community are the 4th sign of the coming apocalypse, just that they stray from what mother nature/God decided was best for propagation of said species. No one ever said transgender was wrong, just that, in the US alone only 3.5%of the populous is transgendered. Little is know about the rest of the world. 

And Even More Western "weirdness"

In fact no one is trying to wipe transgenders off the face of the planet just by virtue of the fact that they say transgenders are not part of the norm. All they're saying is that transgenders are NOT PART OF THE NORM. The point is, homosexuals, effeminate men, masculine woman and transgenders have been around for much longer than the SJW fad and will, most likely, be here long after whiny, agenda-driven, college/tumblr twats disappear. They are even considered a third gender in some parts of Asia. 
To sum up; "cisgered" heterosexuality is still the norm among the human population, no matter how many times you call for an end to cisgender or heterosexuality. It's what naturally propagates the human race (no artificial insemination is not a natural way of procreation and using a someone's frozen sperm and a turkey baster isn't natural either*). But no one said people who veer from the norm can't also have their own piece of sunshine. And for the most part, in Western society, they do.

And just when you thought your cupcake, cream doughnuts were safe

I'm Just Sayin'*an easy way to tell if something is natural or not is; would it be possible with out scientific advancements?

Friday, 3 June 2016

Mad Mad World: SJW Overview

So, I've bee getting a little more educated on the SJW (social justice warrior) scene, and the further I delve, the more I see why this whole cancerous feminism mess should die a horrible death, and soon
I will, in the follow blog posts, share what has lead me to my conclusion. Despite what they say in the media, behind that Emma-Watson-faced, feminist's-believe-in-equality BS the truth is very ugly.

Some of the things people are saying on social media, should give you a place to start making your own decisions.

So being proud of your dad and showing some extra love one day of the year is "rape culture"???

Sweet JMJ. So then no one actually understands what feminism is about. So why does anyone identify as feminist and are some forms of feminism better than others? 

Well this one is old, but still points out the harsh truth, that feminists will use any excuse to shamelessly push their own agenda.

So, what I understand from this is that feminists are cunty arseholes who want to kick men into the gutter? And they want better jobs for better pay for no real reason, other than vagina?
Isn't that the definition of privilege and entitlement?

Well sweet cheeks, I've never been "mansplained" to. I have had to deal with douchey idiots from all sides of the "gender spectrum" who think that being loud, obnoxious and condescending is the best way to get their BS opinion across. Mostly because said BS opinion has no real merit.  

Remove Men From Society. Well chicken tits, I have 2 dads, a brother, 3 brothers-in-law and a bunch of  male friends. A lot of of whom are white cisgendered males. Some are even Christian. If you attempt your holocaust for men, I will find you and I will kill you, because I too have a very unique skill set. 

Back when being feminist meant you weren't afraid of anything, and were quite happy to just raise women up instead of bringing men down.

I'm Just Sayin'